Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome, 2012!

Welcome Back!

I took a look here to see when was the last time I posted...too long ago!  So, away we go.

Have you taken a hard look at what you want to change in your life?  If you haven't, you need to, for your health, family and friends.

Then once you take a look, put it into action.  That particular look could be, you want to workout more, save more money or get more involved in your community.  Whatever that "it" is, put it done in writing and post it so, you can see it.  Make yourself accountable and include your family in on it and maybe, just maybe, your motivation will rub off on them.  It just takes one!  Really, make it happen.

I am currently getting together what I want to accomplish this year and I'm aiming high---and when I reach those goals, I will reward myself with a new piece of fitness equipment.  Love all the gadgets out there now, it's truly amazing what is out there.  If you need some extra motivation, just go to your local sports store and look in the aisle, it's really amazing what is offered out there now.  Ipod's applications to track your activity, food and whatever else you want data on.  Your phone can do the same thing, you cannot get away from it.

Check back and I'll let you in what else is in store for 2012?

Happy running...!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Michele..Now we are getting ready for 2014. So, what will you be sharing in 2014? I hope you got some really motivational and interesting stuff for us.
    With Regards.
